Staircrafter specializes in Stairs! - New or Remodels. With our experience of over 25 years we can build a quality staircase with precision and accuracy. We can create all wood
staircases, wood and decorative iron staircases,Stainless Steel staircases, and staircases with glass and wood handrails.
Do you have a particular design you are trying to achieve in your stair remodel? We will work closely with you to create your masterpiece custom stair remodel.
The best way to receive an estimate is by email to Staircrafter:
- Send a picture of your existing stairs, or if your home was recently purchased send us the address as real estate listings
generally have adequate photos posted online.
- Let us know how you want your stairs to look. For example our Before and After pictures are numbered; send us
the style numbers you like or a picture you have saved.
**Refer to the
Anatomy of a Staircase and
Buyers Tips for Stair Flooring as needed to fully understand the parts of your Staircase.